"What a great dragon story! I love when dragons are protagonists; the way Raolcan is portrayed and the way he interacts with Amel makes him totally endearing. I've been rooting for him from his first word! And Amel is an incredibly inspiring character; with her physical disadvantage and the prejudice she is subjected to, her strength and courage shine through. Not to mention the kindness and compassion we see in her heart. Really, I'm in love with these characters and their story. I can NOT wait to read more about them... and Leng & Ahlskibi, and Savette & Eeamdor, and the Grandis & the other Dragon Riders, the Initiates & Colors.... Every person, dragon, and detail of this world is just so interesting and engaging for me; I think I'm gushing right now. I literally just finished reading this book and wish the next one was published already!"
- Maria Arcara, Amazon Reviewer
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my most popular series. Many readers deeply sympathize with Amel and her disability and chronic pain - but more than that. They relate to her unstoppable spirit and determination. I hope that you borrow courage from her story and if you do, then you're going to want to read DRAGON TIDE, DRAGON CHAMELEON and PHOENIX HEART as they all have a similar vibe and type of story. Enjoy!