"This book was a joy to read just like all of her other books (as to be expected)! The action was thrilling, the story addictive, and characters deep! I also love the bear of a man, lol. I also love how this Sarah makes lovely romance tied in with her stories without either part being intrusive, and keeping it clean at the same time! I suggest that you read the previous Dragon school books that come before this of you haven't already, although it's not necessary ( I also just love all of her work, so I recommend that as well)!"
-Roy Burke, Amazon Reviewer

"Filled with danger, excitement and discovery, this book introduces Amel Leafbrought, a teenage girl embarking on life as a trainee dragon rider.
Amel does not see herself as heroic, yet she is. She does not allow her disability to limit either her dreams or her determination, nor does she give in to the taunts from those who cannot see past it. She does, however, allow herself to express the fear and misery that is all-too-familiar to those who bear the brunt of discrimination and bullying. The reader develops empathy with Amel not because of the way in which others treat her, rather than because of her disability, purely because while her physical limitations are challenging, they are not the greatest cause of distress to her. The ways in which she responds to both kinds of challenge are generally positive and proactive, and allow her individual qualities to shine. The realisation that she has abilities others do not is a source of encouragement to both Amel and the reader.
This series is now on my “one-click”list, and all who love YA fantasy, magic, and dragons should ensure it is on theirs, too."
- MapleLeafAussie, Amazon Reviewer

Phoenix Heart is a heartwarming series about a voiceless girl and her phoenix. Phoenix Heart releases in short two-hour episodes that are divided into five-episode seasons. Readers of Dragon School will be familiar with this format and will be excited to learn that this new adventure is for them!

"Absolutely brilliant start to this follow up series. I loved the character of Tor, an unlikely hero and Saboraak, the Chameleon dragon. The form an interesting partnership to say the least. But they somehow feel a good match. Hubric is involved and this has the promise of another exciting adventure."
-Looseboots, Amazon Reviewer